Want to get your Course Endorsed by International Boards?
Get Approval from Leading Brands!
Add Value & Upscale the Standard of your Course

What is the process of International course endorsement?
Course Endorsement is the process of working together with the organisation and the accreditation boards for the quality approval of the given course. NIST aims to achieve the organisational goals in line with the endorsing board requirements. The process of International course endorsement depends upon the board and according to the framework of qualification covering the following aspects:
- Understand the organizational goals
- Derive the Learning goals with SMART framework
- Presentation to learners
- Learning Impact assessment
- Endorsement from reputed international boards

Companies require well-structured process and competent personnel to perform any task or activity with desired outcome. It requires to either to deploy a Subject Matter Expert or enhance the competency of a professional through training. In order to train an individual or a group of team members it is important to understand the organizational requirements, competency mapping with activities, relevant regulations, standards, codes of practices, working environment, people behavior etc., to derive the training matrix for an organization.
The required skill based/knowledge-based trainings are formulated and managed by various regulatory frameworks and accreditation boards. They determine and regulate the criteria for professional development.
What is the need for Course Endorsement?
- Courses will be developed or aligned to meet the highest standards and quality
- Course content containing relevant, appropriate, and unmatched opportunities for the organisation’s development
- Interactive learning content that uses the companies key learning experience
- Learning which focuses on the risks and opportunities relevant to the organisation whilst considering the wider learning environment
- Learning that builds transferable skills through competent trainers for more agile workforce
- Improved organisational performance and reduced incident rates

What are the types of courses that can be endorsed?
Currently, the emergence of varied source of learning has facilitated the learners to choose their mode / medium of course as per their convenience. Hence, we do provide endorsement for all types of courses as listed below:
- E-learning
- Online
- Trainer led
- In-person
If you don’t have an existing course material & want to create one, we can help you with our course content development services where our subject matter experts with your collaboration can work from the scratch in creating the required content for your training. We can help you design your training material infusing user-friendly tools & Interactive content.
For details on Course / Training Content Creation Click hereInternational Course Endorsement – Highlights
International Endorsement of your courses would benefit in the following ways:
- Approval from International Boards adds weightage to your course
- Enables your employees to obtain a certificate from a recognized body
- Dual Recognition from both organization & International board
- Builds reputation for your organization
- Entitled to use the Logo of International Boards in your training materials & certificates
What is the role of NIST?
Helping organisations to develop the course content, and/or facilitate the course endorsement from reputed organisation is the primary role. We will also assist the organisation to measure the learning impact and is vital in understanding the overall success of any learning program.
NIST has the expertise to help identify skills gaps and develop a culture of continuous learning suitable to the companies. To measure impact, behavioural changes will need to be observed and new capabilities demonstrated. There are numerous ways to do this and NIST has created solutions that organisations can select based upon what suits their needs.