Progress Your Career with NEBOSH
Your Path to Excellence in Health and Safety In the competitive world of health and safety, making a mark is crucial. NEBOSH IGC (National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health) offers globally recognized qualifications that can propel your career [...]
Safety Precautions when working with High Voltage Electricity
We are aware that electricity is primarily used to power the majority of equipment. We largely rely on electricity for many of our necessities. But, as we all know, an electrical mishap could result in fatalities or serious injuries. High [...]
What’s next after NEBOSH?
NEBOSH is a premier, accredited, and established provider of Occupational Health and Safety Management (OHS) training and is renowned for its outstanding HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) syllabus. Countless professionals have been able to establish stable careers in safety and health [...]
Why do organizations need 45001:2018 certification?
What is ISO 45001:2018? ISO 45001:2018 is an internationally recognized standard that provides guidance for the design, operation, and management of systems and processes to manage risks. ISO 45001 has been developed in response to the growing need for organizations [...]
Who can take NEBOSH? Any safety aspirant, HSE representatives, supervisors, Managers could take NEBOSH courses 2. What is NEBOSH IGC? NEBOSH International General Certificate (IGC) is considered as the most prestigious qualification available from NEBOSH designed for HSE managers, supervisors, [...]
What is NEBOSH/What does NEBOSH stand for? NEBOSH stands for the National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health. It is an international safety board headquartered in the United Kingdom that is well-known for its internationally recognized, high-graded safety courses [...]
Why choose NEBOSH IGC? The NEBOSH International General Certificate is a professional standard of knowledge and skill that can be applied to a variety of HSE sectors. This certification allows candidates to demonstrate their knowledge of workplace health and safety [...]
Blockbuster NEBOSH IDip Results – Feb 2022
NIST proudly achieved a blockbuster result in the NEBOSH International Diploma (IA, IB, & IC) in February '22 – 70%. We are an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, India's first NEBOSH Gold Learning Partner, and is ranked first in the country [...]
Jobs in India after completing NEBOSH courses
This article attempts to describe the recent development of the occupational safety and health profession, as well as the future of safety careers in India following completion of NEBOSH courses. This has been done to assist learners in understanding the [...]
How NEBOSH IGC helps with job opportunities.
NEBOSH is an acronym that stands for National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health. It is an international safety board headquartered in the United Kingdom that is well-known for its internationally recognised safety courses. The NEBOSH IGC program is [...]