Defensive Driving: Importance of wearing Seat Belts
In our fast-paced lives, driving the car has become an essential element of our everyday life. We buckle up and drive away, frequently without a second thought. Are we even following Defensive Driving practice? How frequently do we consider the [...]
Tips to improve Workplace Safety
In addition to being required by law, every employer owes its workers a fundamental duty to provide a safe workplace. The well-being of individuals who work there is protected and also enhances productivity, morale, and overall corporate performance by a [...]
Difference between Incidents, Accidents, and Near Misses
Understanding every terminology is essential in the vast & complex field of safety management. Especially in sectors with high hazards like construction, manufacturing, and transportation, we frequently experience mishaps, incidents, and near misses. However, because they are commonly used interchangeably, [...]
Benefits of Collaborative approach of Workers & Employers towards Health & Safety
Any organization's success depends on maintaining a secure and healthy work environment. Employers are required by law to ensure the health and safety of their workers. However, reaching this objective calls for more than merely following the law. To identify [...]
Top Best Practices for Near Miss Reporting
Near Miss reporting is critical in improving safety and operational performance within various industries. These reports allow organizations to identify potential hazards or procedural weaknesses before they result in injuries or other losses. Here are some of the best practices for “Near [...]
How to promote safe behavior at workplace
It's imperative to prevent workplace accidents that may put your workers’ life at risk. The majority of the time, accidents are caused by unsafe behaviors or decisions. Employees will be exposed to risks if they act in a way that [...]
What are the Types of Safety Violations at Workplace?
Regardless of the environment or business, the workplace should be a place of professionalism, respect, and safety. Despite the fact that most firms strive for this, workplace violations can and do happen often. Understanding these violations and the different kinds [...]
Working at Height – Emergency Rescue Plans
Working at a height has a unique combination of potential hazards and challenges, with the most serious one being the requirement for quick action in the event of a fall. Even with strict safety measures in place, accidents are still [...]
Top 8 Tips for Conducting an Effective Emergency Drill
One of the best ways to get your workplace ready for an emergency situation—without having to learn the hard way—is through emergency drills. Emergency Drills provide your team the chance to practise for any scenario while putting your emergency response [...]
Role of Organizations on Occupational Health & Safety
Every business, regardless of size, depends on the organization. Its impact on occupational health and safety is, however, a crucial aspect that should not be disregarded. With an organized work environment and increased employee safety awareness, there can be better [...]